Research maps trends in travel and tourism of each generation
A survey done by Expedia Group in three countries presents what are the determining factors for each generation when traveling. Check out.
What does the study say?
What are the main motivators of choice and behavior of each generation when it comes to travel? Expedia Group conducted a survey that looked at habits, travel influences, and behavior of the X, Y (Millennials), Z, and Baby Boomers in Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina. The virtual survey collected responses in 2018 regarding trips that occurred in the last year.
The study shows that among the decision factors are issues that include destination information and promotional ads. Some figures reinforce the importance of research in the buying process: 88% seek bids before deciding; 82% state that informational content can influence their choices; 70% believe that ads can influence their decision making.
Baby Boomers
The survey shows that the Baby Boomers – a generation that corresponds to those who have passed the age of 56 and have the greatest purchasing power between groups – are not necessarily concerned with traveling costs. These are the top travelers traveling overseas, with 39% of destinations out of the country.
For 22% of the respondents of this generation, the budget was not a determining factor for the choice of destination, and travel usually takes an average of 11.7 days. It is the generation less influenced by social networks to define the itinerary of travel, although they are the ones that consider more ads that have evaluations or informative contents.
Generation X
Between the ages of 36 and 55, this generation opts for travels that flee the atmosphere of big cities, so 58% of respondents generally opt for beaches, cruises, and resorts, which offer packages at all costs. This is the group that most travels by car. Unlike the Baby Boomers, this generation is concerned with the travel budget, so that 62% choose the best deals when choosing the destination.
Like the previous generation, Millennials also prefer all-inclusive options and lead the way by 62%. In a phase of life that corresponds to the transition from a teenage profile to life with many responsibilities, this is the generation that travels the most. They travel, on average, 5.5 times a year. Although they are also concerned about the financial issue, 43% of them indicate that not always the best offer is the best destination option.
For traveling more, they are the most undecided, too, when it comes to choosing. 58% of respondents aged 24-35 said they were hesitant to choose between 2 or even more destinations before confirming their purchase. At that time, the travel platforms function as good adviser of choice, being the group more influenced by this type of tool.
Generation Z
Born at the turn of the century, this generation has a preference for exploring their own country before visiting foreign lands, for example. It is the group that explores outdoor environments and follows a wish list. It is also the generation that most uses buses as a means of transportation. For 58% of them, trips to relax are at the top of the list, followed by family visits (46%), Tours (38%) and Family Fun (34%).